Okay-slightly dramatic I know. But it's how I felt. This doesn't mean I think I'm making a mistake; actually I have complete peace in my decision. It just stirred up a lot of emotions and got me thinking about all the things I'm going to miss.
During my run this morning, I found myself listing off things that I'm really going to miss and thought I'd share my top 10 with you.
1. My bed. It is honestly my favorite place in the whole entire world. The worst part is I'm selling it and I know I will never get it back.
2. This little princess:
I have had the absolute privilege of being a part of her life for the last 3 years. She has two amazing parents who have nurtured and poured into her. She is so smart and adorable. I am going to miss my Friday/Random night "dates" playing princesses and having tea parties. I will miss laying on the floor singing disney princess songs-which I'll admit she has had to teach me some of the words to. I will miss her asking me to give her "princess" hair and rocking her to sleep. And most of all I will miss her hilarious OCD habits-a girl after my own heart!
Going 2 days with out hockey is torture enough. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to go a full year. I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it.
4. My Family
Yes, I have Skype and FaceTime and yes, I have had the last couple months to cope with not being around them all the time. But to know it's not just a quick plane flight out there to see them puts a rock in my stomach.
5. My Friends
For fear of hurting anyone's feelings-I'm generalizing this. I have been so blessed with the people in my life. Each one has taught me a little thing about myself and helped me grow into the person I am. I love being able to have friends that spend the first few hours of the new year praying that it be holy and pleasing to Christ. I love the random dinner and bonfire nights consumed in fellowship. I love sitting down and taking jokes too far and being able to sit reflect on "God moments".
6. My Coworkers/Job

7. Netflix. Enough said.
8. Gym/Hiking- I'm really going to miss being able to leave work and go down the hill to the gym. Also my days off of waking up and deciding to go for a hike. I'm going to miss my mornings of plugging in my worship mix and hiking in the hills of San Jose and being able to spend some time basking in the beauty that God has created.
9. Music/Fast "Waifai"
I'm going to miss being able to download music in a minute or less.

10. My Car
It's kind of funny that this made my top 10 because I absolutely hate driving. But the idea of not really having the freedom to go where I want (free of the fear of being killed by crazy drivers) makes me a little sad.
There is a lot more things that I know I will miss. But right now those are top on my list. Like I said before-even though I'm sad, I'm so ready and excited. My tears are tears of joy, fear, contentment, peace, and faith. God is walking beside me, not in front of or behind me. I know there will be days where I am given things I simply can't handle. But strangely enough those are the days I'm looking forward to the most. The days where I get to experience God in the fullest form and allow myself to fall at his feet.
ReplyDelete11) Daniel Allen. Yup definitely Daniel Allen