Thursday, June 7, 2012


I have never been a fan of bugs. Now, that doesn't mean I turn into a screaming 3-year-old at the sight of a spider or creepy crawly thing. It just means that I hate bugs and the instant it comes into my sight, it can be prepared to see the white light.
I have learned a lot about bugs in Africa. I have played myth busters and can officially bust the myth that flies live longer then 24 hours and the majority of the population lives between my house and taxi stop. I have learned to keep a shoe very close by because roaches are fast and come out of no where. But most importantly I have learned, size DOES NOT matter. The smallest mosquito buzz can cause you to lay awake for hours(for fear of waking up looking like you've come down with chicken pox again). And the smallest microscopic bug can cause you to spend 8 straight hours in the bathroom. It will leave you bedridden for the next 4 days. It will cause you to curl up in the fetal position and find yourself crying out the lyrics to the song Healer by Kari Jobe(yes, I did do this and had tears running down my face with every word).
Never have I been in so much pain and never have I been so completely humbled. As I lay in my bed, blinking away tears and seriously considering getting on a plane and flying back to the states, I had a wake up call. One of the ladies who works for transformation love came in and told me I had someone calling asking how I was feeling. I soon found out this lady calling, was one of the TLove beneficiaries. A lady who I had just visited and prayed over the week previous because she is suffering with HIV and currently has bone TB. 
This lady suffering with a disease that could probably end her life, was calling me. The stupid white american girl with a couple bugs living in her. The compassion of this woman and the women here in TLove is absolutely overwhelming. I am humbled and blessed everyday. Even in the midst of feeling like death, these women have taught me to be thankful. To praise God in every situation and pour out his love in the meekest way I can.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like puking your brains out to the glory of God in Africa with the hot tears the only liquid coming out of your worth nothing as having any sense of grace. May you prosper in your health, and may the people of Korah prosper. In Jesus' name, Amen.
